About Us
Started in 1972, Georgetown Waterproofing is a family owned and operated business that has over 120 years of combined experience. We have gladly provided West Michigan with quality waterproofing services, using the finest grade available products. We are able to accommodate a wide range of our customer's waterproofing needs.
Safeguard your home
Don’t take chances with your biggest investment – your home. Make sure yourfoundation is protected top to bottom from flash floods, melting snow, mildew or moisture from any source. Georgetown Waterproofing Inc. has experience and expertise to protect your home or place of business. Call on us for expert waterproofing work and professional service.
Tremco Barrier Solutions is committed to offering outstanding technical service support by providing product information and tools to help our customers succeed on the job site.
NovaLink™ WM is a liquid applied, single component, waterproofing membrane that cures by exposure to atmospheric and substrate moisture to form a continuous, tough, reinforced elastic seal. NovaLink WM is solvent free and compliant with all known environmental and OSHA requirements.
M-1 adheres to a wide range of construction materials including PVC, EPDM, most metals, wood, glass, masonry concrete, fiberglass, and solvent-sensitive foams so it works in almost any situation requiring a sealant.
Green Jacket™ insulation, drainage and protection board is the most versatile product currently available for our industry. Made from PET (polyethylene terephthalate) Polyester Synthetic fibers, it is tough enough to withstand rock slingers, thus protecting the sensitive waterproofing membrane.
Monarch egress windows add natural light to basements and provide a safe escape. Add value to your basement today with Monarch's egress window systems!
You can count on us!
Do you have a challenging water problem that seems impossible to fix? Have you all but given up? Don’t worry. Georgetown Waterproofing offers you custom solutions to solve water problems of all kinds. We assess your risks, identify their causes and correct each person’s property problem with an appropriate solution tailored to specific needs. You can rely on our proven ability to waterproof your basement or office building. We keep you safe and free from worry.
We assess your issues
Unwanted water or moisture can cause problems, ranging from ruined floors and furniture to dangerous molds and other airborne toxins. There’s always the risk of water seeping into your home or building. A subtle crack or widening crevice can cause problems. Issues can develop over time or bother you from the beginning.
Let Georgetown Waterproofing conduct an assessment on your property to give you peace of mind. We’ll pinpoint any problems or potential issues and do whatever it takes to prevent property damage.
Affordable solutions
No matter what your water problem, Georgetown Waterproofing looks for the most affordable and long-lasting solutions. Just some of the many services we provide include:
New foundation waterproofing
External / internal crack injections
Drainage board application
Excavation/ Coating Repairs
Pipe Penetration Repairs
Much More
Satisfied customers
Our customers feel confident that we can keep their property free from water damage and help them avoid the aggravation of a leaking foundation. Georgetown Waterproofing provides services needed to stop water seepage or moisture build-up in your home or business building. We analyze water issues, seek the right remedies and fix problems that will give you the protection you need. The growth of Georgetown Waterproofing through the referrals of our customers has demonstrated their satisfaction with our services.
Check our references
Ask for our references to find out more about our services from real customers who are still satisfied with our work.